Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation

Corporate marketing is continually evolving with the advance of technology. And with each breakthrough comes new possibilities to improve performances. Artificial intelligence is one of the most promising technologies, but also one of the most complex.

Each breakthrough in AI aims to reduce or even free staff from time-consuming tasks and open up new horizons and possibilities. Let’s have a look at them in this post!

Every company is impacted by digital transformation

Whether a company is in the public or private sector, it has to go through a digital transformation to keep innovating and remain competitive. Nonetheless, approaches may differ from one company to another. That’s why it’s essential to keep in mind that a digital transformation takes different forms.

The resources and skills they need and their goals are different and may become contradictory in the short term. But their purpose remains the same: to transform the workplace and its organization while introducing new practices in the mid-term.

Digital transformation as a starting point

Digital transformation is one step among many in the history of a company. It is temporary and aims at preparing it for the next step: Artificial Intelligence. A technology that acts as an assistant for employees in the realization of tasks with low added value.

To implement and correctly use AI, it’s necessary to create digital processes adapted to the company and teach employees the importance of data. In this sense, if managers have a perfect understanding of digital technologies, design thinking, and agility skills, they will be more inclined to adopt the new systems and help their teams implement them.

Teaching your employees more about the digital world represents a significant asset for the final stage of the digital transformation: involving systems in human tasks. That’s why the digital transformation facilitates the implementation of the solutions provided by these new systems.

Training employees to work with Artificial Intelligence

To remain competitive, a company must succeed in its digital transformation. But the right digital transformation alone is not enough: it must train its employees (especially managers) in this new way of doing business. It’s also about adapting each employee’s role and tasks around the work now done by AI.

To do this correctly, multidisciplinary professions like managers, employees, external partners, must be brought together. By working together, they will be able to decide what tasks need to be replaced by AI and define the new ones they can create thanks to it.

The more employees are involved in the organization and reorganization of their tasks, the more they will see the adoption of machines and technologies in a good way.

Applications of artificial intelligence

AI has been designed by human intelligence to create machines that are capable of thinking like humans. Thanks to this new technology, machines can now perceive, understand, act, and learn on their own.

The data they process or highlight allows companies to create more efficient decision-making systems and automate and streamline tasks to maximize the quality of services provided to the customer.

1- The decision-making system

It builds on subsequent activities to take advantage of them according to previous activities. To be efficient, AI work is based on 4 objectives: understanding its environment, focusing on goals, organizing or reorganizing, and integrating effective Action Plans.

  • Machine Learning

Your company’s data will allow you to better identify and understand your competitors through machine learning algorithms. This new technology provides computers the ability to understand the data.

This data is then processed to solve tasks by automating them. In other words, machine learning aims to create, analyze, optimize, and improve how the company operates by analyzing its data.

  • Analysis of risks and opportunities

Through learning, it is the AI that defines risks and automatically detects opportunities. For example, it can analyze the tenders that will be the most interesting by studying those recently lost and signed. This analysis can help the company focus on opportunities that are similar to winning profiles.

  • Analysis of prospects and customers

Obviously, when we know the expectations and requirements of prospects and customers, we can anticipate them. Knowing this is possible thanks to predictive scores. They allow us to design relevant communication campaigns based on the behavior and profile of users.

It can be unsubscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase, clicking on a banner… All these actions give predictive information that helps avoid wasting time. Instead of reacting, the manager can now adopt a proactive approach.

  • Facilitate decision making

When the company knows how to identify targets receptive to their message or offer, it is a considerable strategic advantage. The decision-making process becomes more efficient and reliable. By knowing whom to contact and how to do it, you can save a lot of time and money.

2- The automation of manual and applicative tasks

This evolution makes it possible to automate repetitive tasks that are most often done manually. Customer Relationship Management tools and analysis platforms offer self-learning algorithms powered by AI that search automatically for information important to the customer.

Chatbots are a good example. Directly integrated into a website, they give immediate responses to customers’ requests 24/7.

  • Automation of manual tasks by machines

Without replacing the role of the project manager who has to manage human interactions, artificial intelligence supports the automation of planning, reporting, and administrative tasks.

  • Free employees from repetitive or physically challenging tasks

This automation will have a positive impact on the time and energy spent on laborious and daunting tasks. It will also make it possible to achieve accurate tasks without human error.

  • Automation of processes and application tasks

With AI, it becomes unnecessary to add information several times in different departments of the company. From now on, information only needs to be entered once and will then be automatically processed to be used by everyone in the company.

  • Improvement of the company’s productivity

Automation helps save about 30% of an employee’s time on average! This time saved allows you to focus on essential tasks with real added value. Those that require a human presence because they are the only ones able to react to unexpected events.

3- Improving customer relations

This evolution is contributing to the implementation of a winning strategy. However, this strategy and the complementary applications that come with it must remain dynamic.

It is, therefore, necessary to continually adapt according to real-time changes. With this in mind, the company can adapt its processes on the go to remain competitive.

  • Customer Satisfaction

It is necessary to be highly reactive to succeed in satisfying its customers. You have to be available all the time to answer their questions or complaints. On top of the marketing and sales part, customer relationship is one of the most critical differentiation points for a company.

White papers, FAQs, chat, documentation, and more are tools that allow the company to stand out from the competition.

  • The creation of new products and services or the improvement of existing ones

Differentiating yourself from competitors will be easier when you start to base changes on trends, customer feedback, and market evolutions. Those changes help to set in motion an important pillar of any successful business: proactivity.

Thanks to the data provided, the company will know which direction to move in and what tools can help it succeed in its digital transformation.

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